InVEST Risk Model ® – A better approach to investing.
Managing money is a challenge that all investors face, regardless of the size of their portfolio. Over the past few decades, wild market swings have left many investors feeling misled and disillusioned by the financial industry and media.
At TJT Capital Group, we have developed a proprietary InVEST Risk Model (R) based on extensive research into five key indicators: interest rates, valuation, economic cycle, sentiment, and technical factors. By focusing on these variables, we are able to adjust asset allocation with the goal of increasing exposure when financial conditions are favorable while safeguarding assets when conditions turn hostile.
The partners at TJT Capital Group have more than 60 years of combined investment experience, and we are confident that our approach would benefit the majority of investors.
Let us put our investment power to work for you.
TJT Investment Philosophy
TJT Capital Group helps you participate in markets when conditions are right, and looks to protect your money when those conditions change. With experience in building a billion dollar business for a large institution, we bring that expertise to helping our clients achieve their goals.
TJT Capital Group has researched and documented that 5 key indicators – interest rates, valuation, economic cycle, sentiment and technical factors – signal the true direction and health of the markets. We stay the course and help you prosper during bull markets and periods of short-term volatility. We decisively shift your portfolio when our InVEST Risk Model ® signals bear market conditions are here.
We focus on 5 indicators that really matter. We do not simply follow the crowd, the headlines or conventional wisdom because that has produced poor outcomes in performance. Our results-oriented approach lets us find opportunities across a wide range of market conditions.
We welcome your interest in TJT Capital Group. Let us put our investment power to work for you.
What TJT Capital Group Can Do For You
Market opportunity is hard to find. And, whenever possible, bear markets should be avoided. We know that to win in investing, you must be invested when conditions are right. But, we have learned that successful investing also involves recognizing when to reduce your exposure.
Our research has identified how individual and collective changes in 5 key indicators – interest rates, valuation, economic cycle, sentiment and technical factors – can help determine when you should participate in market growth as well as when you should protect your assets.
Your personal objectives and risk profile help us design a portfolio for you that is tailored to your goals. Using our proprietary research and analytics, we focus on where we are in the market cycle. We manage portfolios to the specific investments we have found do well in prevailing market conditions. Investments are selected with your interests in mind, using careful due diligence to identify the best solutions for each asset class.
Most investors know what happens when they or their advisors spend more time looking at the past than thinking about the future. They miss hidden opportunities or overreact to news or headlines, often with disastrous results. TJT Capital Group uses a proprietary and disciplined approach to filter out the noise that influences conventional wisdom. Instead we make informed investment decisions based on the indicators we follow and observe. We help our clients distinguish between the normal ups and downs of the markets, and specific conditions that may signal bear markets.